At MidVision Cloud we provide solutions to help customers who are existing users of enterprise software move to cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. All images are pre-installed with MidVision’s flagship automation product, RapidDeploy, to aid you when deploying your software updates, enterprise software or applications to your MidVision cloud instances.
We provide a solution that has flagship enterprise software solutions at its centre – with support, services and tools to assist in migrations of your existing software. We list many of the most popular products on the AWS and Azure Marketplaces such as those from IBM and Red Hat – so users can benefit from simple and flexible hourly billing.
Infrastructure and License Cost Savings
Most organisations are moving away from traditional on premise and relatively static infrastructure environments towards a much more dynamic and flexible cloud model on platforms like AWS and Azure. The compute, storage and infrastructure costs are often the initial driver – however the cloud platforms provide marketplaces to sell software and solutions using the same utility hourly billing models.
MidVision Cloud software, available on AWS and Azure, comprises of pre-installed images with enterprise software ready to run in a matter of minutes.
The greatest initial benefits to moving to a public cloud are often seen by migrating development environments. MidVision Cloud supports hundreds of development organisations running enterprise software on public clouds – allowing developers to provision, configure and start using their software as and when they need it.
Traditionally, organisations have often run large test environments that are only actually used for a fraction of their on-line time. Cloud platforms provide more efficient infrastructure models that allow infrastructure to be active only when required – with MidVision Cloud providing the hourly utility billing across entire stacks. There are over 8500 hours in a year – many test environment requirements could be satisfied utilising just a tenth of that!
A major headache for many customers is forecasting. Trying to predict infrastructure and licensing requirements years into the future is not only expensive, time consuming and error prone – but often results in procuring software that is never used. MidVision Cloud’s simple hourly billing models removes any requirement for such forecasting – simply pay for what you use.
If you already own an enterprise license for a product, you can use a BYOL model and procure hourly licenses from MidVision for additional or peak loads, to be used only if you need them.
Peak Production
Modern cloud platforms like AWS and Azure provide advanced features like auto-scaling that allow new infrastructure to be brought online to handle peak workloads. Using hourly billing for your software you are able to take advantage of the power of the underlying cloud platform without the need to procure huge amounts of perpetual licensing to handle the infrequent high watermark usage.
Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery can be very cost effectively delivered with passive infrastructure configured – but most of the time not running – on a public cloud. Hourly utility infrastructure and licensing means the costs are negligible unless a disaster recovery scenario is invoked – at which point you will incur costs at a fraction of delivering in any other way.