The MidVision Cloud idea was conceived in 2014. Based on our experiences of using enterprise software product sets but lacking a good way to use the products just when we needed them and at an affordable price, our vision was to create a service dedicated to providing enterprise application images at a reasonable hourly cost, in the cloud.
MidVision Cloud partnered with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure in order to bring third party enterprise products to cloud users, who could access them on the AWS and Azure Marketplaces, for an hourly fee without having to buy and maintain costly perpetual licenses. MidVision also bundles its automation tool, RapidDeploy on to each image to give customers a useful tool to manage their third party software and processes.
Over time, MidVision Cloud has expanded to include many enterprise products. In response to our customers requests, we are adding new images all the time and are now expanding to add ‘composite’ images of popular software products that are used together.
The MidVision Cloud brand is owned and maintained by MidVision Limited.