Microsoft Azure Installation and Support guide
1. Overview
This guide will provide step by step instructions how to start using the installed products on your Microsoft Azure instance.
This VM image contains a ready-to-run MidVision RapidDeploy for WAS ND image at the selected version. In order to use this image, you need to launch it with your selected type, and log in via SSH to create required profile(s) and activate (start) the WebSphere servers.

2. Launching an instance
In order to launch MidVision RapidDeploy for WAS ND, a few settings need to be configured on the Azure console as follows:
- Open new Azure Virtual Machine wizard;
- Select the IBM WAS Azure image based on your requirements from gallery;
- Choose VM name, size, Authentication user and credentials. The
Standard DS3V2/General Purpose
type or larger is recommended when running IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment with a Deployment Manager and Node Agent profile on the same instance.Basic DS2V2
is the minimal requirement, which will be sufficient to run only one Node Agent or Deployment Manager profile. Larger instances may be required based on the number of IBM WebSphere application servers, clusters etc required and the expected resource use of each; - Define cloud service DNS name, Regions and open endpoint ports.
Port 22 to connect via SSH (enabled by default),
All Ports for WebSphere ND communications between the Dmgr and Nodeagent
3. Initial login and setup
The ‘default’ startup configuration is to have a cell created ‘in a box’ with one Deployment Manager and one Node Agent profile created and federated. Both created servers (Dmgr and nodeagent) will be started on the first and subsequent launches.
If you don’t want to perform any bespoke configuration, skip this section and move on to section 4, “Accessing the Web Consoles”.
Note: If you log in straight after the instance is launched WebSphere Application Server with default configuration may not have finished starting up so you need to wait at least 10 minutes and then use credentials from section 4 to log in.
Note: In the default configuration, both the Dmgr and node agent are configured using ‘localhost
‘. This means if you want to create a distributed cell across multiple hosts, you should use the bespoke configuration instructions instead.
The IBM WebSphere Application Server ND Edition + MidVision RapidDeploy products are shipped with a base binary installation and a ‘default’ configuration of one Dmgr and one Node Agent profile created and federated.
On the first login via SSH to the instance, you will be placed into a console wizard, which will guide you through the process of deleting the default profiles and then creating and starting new IBM WAS ND profile(s) and other configuration steps. The following is an overview of the steps you will be guided through to get started with the installed products on the instance.
In this example we will create and configure a Dmgr and/or Nodeagent on the instance.
Once the instance has started up.
- Log onto the instance via SSH with your Azure user and credentials.
- You should see the MidVision banner and then you are placed in a setup wizard.
Welcome to __ __ _ ___ ___ _ ____ _ _ | \/ (_) __| \ \ / (_)___(_) ___ _ __ / ___| | ___ _ _ __| | | |\/| | |/ _` |\ \ / /| / __| |/ _ \| '_ \ _____| | | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | | | | | | (_| | \ V / | \__ \ | (_) | | | |_____| |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | |_| |_|_|\__,_| \_/ |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_| \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_| A MidVision Service * WebSite: * Support: * Forum: Please run 'sudo su - midvision' to start using provided services.
- Once the admin user is logged in, please log in as the ‘midvision’ user via the command ‘sudo su – midvision’.
Welcome, this is MidVisionCloud RapidDeploy and Websphere Application Server Network Deployment image first run configuration Note that you can rerun this configuration wizard again by executing /home/midvision/ script Configuration steps - Review your current default profiles or create your own bespoke WebSphere ND configuration (optional) - Set RapidDeploy framework initial password - Open ports on RHEL firewall This WebSphere installation comes with default configuration. Deployment Manager and Node Agent profiles have been already created and started. WebSphere Admin Console is available from your browser: [hostname]:9060/ibm/console (admin agent credentials: wasadmin/[instance-id]) Would you like to remove your current default profiles and create your own bespoke configuration ? [yes/no]
- Type ‘
’ if you want to remove your current default configuration hit[return]
. Initial script firstly stops and then removes two default profilesStopping and removing existing default profiles... ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Appsrv01/logs/nodeagent/stopServer.log ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the Appsrv01 profile ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: nodeagent ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status. ADMU4000I: Server nodeagent stop completed. ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/logs/dmgr/stopServer.log ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the Dmgr01 profile ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: dmgr ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status. ADMU4000I: Server dmgr stop completed. INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile no longer exists. INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile no longer exists. [] Stopping and removing existing default profiles - complete! Create Deployment manager profile? [y/n]
- Type ‘
‘ if you want to use our initial script to create Deployment manager profile and hit[return]
. You should see the following output:Set Dmgr host name. Defaults to current public hostname of the instance: [hostname] Note that changing ip address of the instance will break the Websphere server profiles connectivity, so you will be prompted on the next login whether you want to reassign a new hostname to WebSphere services.
- Set Cell ID, Starting Port, Username, Password and Profile name. For all the questions listed here, we just accept the default. Once the Deployment Manager profile creation starts, you should allow up to 15 minutes for it to complete.
Set cell id. Defaults to 'cell01' Set starting port. Dmgr will get a range of ports for the interfaces starting from this number. Defaults to 9060 Set admin username. Defaults to 'wasadmin' Set admin password. Defaults to '[instance-id]' Set profile name. Defaults to 'Dmgr01' Creating deployment manager profile may take a few minutes, please be patient...
- You should see the following output following Dmgr creation:
Profile creation finished, see output in /root/wasinstall_bespoke_dmgr.log.
- You will now be prompted whether to create a node agent profile. In this example we again type ‘
‘ and hit[return]
. Accept the default of the instance IP address or enter a different one.Create node agent profile? [y/n] y Set node agent host name. Defaults to current public hostname of the instance: [hostname]
- Set Cell ID, Starting Port, Username, Password and Profile name. For all the questions listed here, we just accept the default.
Set starting port. Node agent will get a range of ports for the interfaces starting from this number. Defaults to 9160 Set cell id. Defaults to 'cell01' Set admin username. Defaults to 'wasadmin' Set admin password. Defaults to 'wasadmin' Set profile name. Defaults to 'Appsrv01' Set deployment manager host. Defaults to current public hostname of the instance: [hostname] Set Dmgr SOAP connector port. Defaults to 9063 Creating node agent profile may take a few minutes, please be patient...
- You will be asked for the Deployment Manager to federate this node agent into. In this example we’re using the local one we just created, but this could just as easily be another Azure instance. Once the Node Agent profile creation starts, you should allow up to 15 minutes for it to complete.
Set deployment manager host. Defaults to current public hostname of the instance: [hostname] Set Dmgr SOAP connector port. Defaults to 9063 Creating node agent profile may take a few minutes, please be patient...
- You should see the following output following Node Agent creation:
Profile creation finished, see output in /root/wasinstall_bespoke_nodeagent.log.
- Set initial password for RapidDeploy user ‘
‘. Hit[return]
to accept the default of the instance id.Configuring password for RapidDeploy default user 'mvadmin' Set password for user 'mvadmin'. Submit blank for default value: [instance-id]
- Open required firewall ports on CentOS Linux firewall. Select ‘
’ and hit[return]
.Open firewall ports for RapidDeploy and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (default port 9090 and 9060 9160 9043 9044) [y/n]? y Opening default web UI ports for WebSphere and RapidDeploy. Open firewall port 9090 iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[ OK ] Open firewall port 9060 iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[ OK ] Open firewall port 9160 iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[ OK ] Open firewall port 9043 iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[ OK ] Open firewall port 9044 iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[ OK ] Type port number to open. Type 'process' to open all ports used by WebSphere, type 'all' to open all ports, type 'exit' to finish. process
- Open required firewall ports on CentOS Linux firewall. Type ‘
’ to open all ports used by WebSphere and hit[return]
. - You should see ports list of ports being opened. Type ‘
’ to leave this section and the wizard. The correct URLs to access the WebSphere server are displayed.Configuration finished, you may now start using RapidDeploy services and other software. Web user interfaces are available on : WebSphere: [hostname]:9060/ibm/console (admin agent credentials: [your_username]/[your_password]) RapidDeploy: [hostname]:9090/MidVision
- You can log in to WebSphere console with the username and password you set in step 5, in our case using the default answers this will be ‘
‘ using ‘[instance-id]’ as password.
4. Accessing the web and command line consoles
4.1 Access the IBM WebSphere Application Server Admin Console
You should now be able to access the WebSphere AdminConsole, at the URL specified below.
” using your ‘wasadmin
‘ as password.You should now be able to access the WebSphere AdminConsole, at the URL specified below.
‘4.2 Subsequent logins via SSH to the instance
When logging into the instance after the first time, you will be asked if you need to reassign the bound hostnames in the IBM WebSphere configuration. You will need to do this if you have changed the IP address. In this situation, your instance will get the new IP address, whereas the IBM WebSphere configuration still references the old host name of the instance in the deployment manager and node agent profile configurations. In order to fix this issue, you can run
script provided in the midvision user home directory, which will search and replace for the old host name occurrences in the configuration files. 4.3 Access the RapidDeploy Web Console
RapidDeploy server and agent will start up automatically when you start your instance. You can access the web console on:
Note: make sure you have port 9090 open in your Security group when trying to access RapidDeploy web console. For the first time, you can set the password for the default username ” mvadmin
5. Maintaining the installation
- azureuser: This is the provisioned Azure user. The username can vary due to can be customised. It is permitted to use all SUDO rights. To switch to the midvision user, type “
sudo su - midvision
“. - midvision: This is the midvision user, You can log in as any other user without using passwords. E.g: “
su wasadmin
“. To switch to the root user, type “sudo su
“. If you want to switch back to root user, type “exit
“, this will take you back to the previous user session. - root: This is the superuser in linux systems. You can log in as any other user without using passwords. E.g: “
su -azureuser
“, “su wasadmin
“, “su midvision
” If you want to switch back to root user, type “exit
“, this will take you back to the previous user session.
The IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Admin Console is initially configured so that you can log in to WebSphere console without any security enabled.
You can further configure WebSphere security in the normal way according to your requirements.
You can use the
in the midvision home directory to stop and start profiles (Deployment Manager and/or Node Agent) on your instance. The script takes the argument ‘stop
‘ or ‘start
’. It will detect all profiles and perform the action on each profile in turn.
You can open the necessary ports quickly using the setup wizard. To re-run this section of the wizard, from the midvision home directory run There is an option to open all ports used by IBM WebSphere services, by entering ‘process
‘ input. Alternatively, you can choose to open all ports on the instance by entering ‘all
‘ input. If you are creating a distributed cell over multiple nodes, we strongly recommend you don’t try to estimate which ports should be opened, but select the ‘process
’ option, which will open all the required ports to ensure node agent synchronisation will work correctly. Port opening options:
- <
port number
> – Open this port. Multiple ports can be entered, separated by pressing the ‘[return]
’ key. - ‘
’ – Open all WebSphere ports for all WebSphere processes detected on the instance. - ‘
’ – Open all ports on the instance (effectively remove the firewall). - ‘
’ – Exit the port opening script.
If change the server IP address, whereas the IBM WebSphere configuration still references the old host name of the instance in the deployment manager and node agent profile configurations. In order to fix this issue, you can run
script provided in the midvision user home directory, which will search and replace for the old host name occurrences in the configuration files. See the section below for detailed instructions running
Example changing IP addresses in a distributed system
Please see below for the example steps for the case where a Deployment Manager and remote Node Agent instance are both stopped and restarted after changing the IP address: Take a note of the four IP addresses: the original deployment manager host (referred as oldDmgrHost
), the original node agent host (ref oldNodeagentHost
), the current deployment manager host (ref newDmgrHost
), the current node agent host (ref newNodeAgentHost
- Record [
] and [oldNodeagentHost
] addresses - Start DMGR instance – get a [
] instance address - Login to Dmgr instance – You will be prompted for [
] and [newDmgrHost
] host to replace. Answer and run. - Start NodeAgent instance – get a [
] instance address - Login to NodeAgent instance – You will be prompted for [
] and [newNodeAgentHost
] host to replace. Answer and run. - On Dmgr host , run
sudo ./
, entering the [oldNodeagentHost
] and [newNodeAgentHost
] - On NodeAgent host, run
, entering the [oldDmgrHost
] and [newDmgrHost
] - Restart the NodeAgent
- In the AdminConsole, run a full resynchronise from System Administration -> Nodes -> Select the nodes and click “
Full resynchronise
Red Hat Enterprise Linux instances are shipped with a firewall by default to protect your machine. For security reasons, the instance is only accessible via SSH (port 22) at first, so further ports can be opened on the firewall as needed. You will need to open all the ports in this internal firewall, which you have open in your Security group. There is a script placed in the user home of the mqm user (/home/midvision
), which is also the starting location when logged in. You will need to be the root user to run this script. Example usage:
[midvision@ ] sudo ./ 9090 Open firewall port 9090 iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[ OK ]
sudo su cd /home/midvision/ ./ mkdir /home/midvision/fixbinaries cd /home/midvision/fixbinaries/ curl "LINK_TO_WAS_FIXPACK" -o curl "LINK_TO_JAVA_FIXPACK" -o mkdir /home/midvision/fixbinaries/wasfix cd /home/midvision/fixbinaries/wasfix/ unzip /home/midvision/fixbinaries/ cd /home/midvision/fixbinaries/ mkdir javafix cd javafix/ unzip ../ cd /home/midvision/fixbinaries /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl install WAS_PACKAGE_ID -repositories /home/midvision/fixbinaries/wasfix/repository.config -acceptLicense -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -showVerboseProgress -silent /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl install JAVA_PACKAGE_ID -repositories /home/midvision/fixbinaries/javafix/repository.config -acceptLicense -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -showVerboseProgress -silent cd /home/midvision/ ./
There are a few scripts and other files in midvision and root users home directory, which will need to remain unchanged in order to keep the provided scripts working. Files are placed under /root/WAS_install
are required to create the IBM WebSphere profiles. There are a set of scripts in midvision home directory. Those scripts are executed when logging into the instance controlled by .bash_profile
, but you can also execute them manually whenever they are needed. There are some hidden files used as well:
indicates that the setup wizard has already ran once,
indicates that the user will not be prompted again for running the setuphost script (if chosen not to ask again),
file is needed to determine the previously bound hostname to WebSphere service.
To restart RapidDeploy manually from the filesystem, use the rapiddeploy linux service. The RapidDeploy version is 5.0. RapidDeploy home is located at /var/rd/midvision
Example usage:
[midvision@ ] sudo service rapiddeploystart start [midvision@ ] sudo service rapiddeploystart stop
The RapidDeploy server uses an in-memory database, so your RapidDeploy framework needs to be shut down properly to save your work. This happens when the instance is stopping or when calling the stop service manually from the command line. Note that on instance restart, unsaved data will be lost.
If you don’t want to use RapidDeploy and free memory on your instance you can stop rapiddeploy service using command:
[midvision@ ] sudo service rapiddeploystart stop
Then in order to make sure it will not start when an instance starts again run this command:
[midvision@ ] sudo systemctl disable rapiddeploystart.service
For security reasons, you will need to change the default password (default value is ‘[instance-id]’) for user mvadmin
. This will be requested the first time only when you log in to the RapidDeploy server.
6. Troubleshooting
6.1 Session loss during setup
If you lose your SSH connection to the target instance during the first run setup script execution (e.g. as a result of a network problem), we advise you to delete and recreate the EC2 instance and run the script again.
6.2 Profile startup exceptions
If the profile fails to start with the
commands, check that you are running as the root user, either by being in a root shell, or by prepending ‘sudo
’ to the start command.
6.3 Cannot access the IBM WebSphere admin console (ISC)
Check that the deployment manager is running, and you have correctly opened all the required ports on the firewall, and that your instance was created using a security group definition that allows TCP access to the instance on the required ports.
6.4 Contacting MidVision support
Please visit our support website.
7. Reference
7.1 Creating a Deployment manager profile
You will be prompted to enter the following values, or accept the defaults:
: the host name binding for the deployment manager profile. This resource has a default value of the current public host name of the instance.cellID
: the id of the WebSphere cell containing the profilestartingPort
: the WebSphere service ports will be incremented from this number, assigning each unused ports to the WebSphere services.profileName
: the name of the profile to create
7.2 Creating a Node agent profile
You will be prompted to enter the following values, or accept the defaults:
: the host name binding for the Node Agent profile. This resource has a default value of the current public host name of the instance.nodeAgentStartingPort
: the WebSphere service ports will be incremented from this number, assigning each unused port to the WebSphere services.nodeAgentCellID
: the id of the WebSphere cell containing the profilenodeAgentAdminUserName
: the username to authenticate against the deployment manager (if required)nodeAgentAdminPassword
: the password to authenticate against the deployment manager (if required)nodeAgentProfileName
: the name of the profiledmgrHostName
: the host name the deployment manager is running at. This resource has a default value of the current public host name of the instance. If necessary,change this to the hostname, IP or DNS of the remote Deployment Manager instance. Note that if you use a remote deployment manager host, you will need to make sure all the required ports are open on both machines.dmgrPort
: the deployment manager SOAP connector port to connect to for the purposes of federation and subsequent synchronisation.