MidVision RapidDeploy for Liberty Profile on Windows on AWS

Amazon EC2 Installation guide

1. Overview

This guide will provide step by step instructions on how to start using the installed products on your AWS EC2 instance.

This AMI contains a ready-to-run WebSphere Liberty Profile + MidVision RapidDeploy  image at the selected version. In order to use this image, you need to launch it with your selected type, and log in using remote desktop to activate (start) the WebSphere servers.

Visit the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile Edition + MidVision RapidDeploy page on the AWS Marketplace

2. Launching an instance

In order to launch IBM WebSphere Application Server (referred as WAS) + MidVision RapidDeploy , a few settings need to be configured on the AWS console as follows. The instructions for launching an instance differ depending on where you launch from. Initially you will launch the instance from the AWS Marketplace.


 3. Initial login and setup

The IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile Edition + MidVision RapidDeploy products are shipped with a base binary installation, and a defaultServer configuration, with a helloworld.war application installed into this server. On the first login to the instance, you will be placed into a console wizard, which will guide you through the process of creating and configuring IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile. After logging onto the instance via SSH as the midvision user you will be placed in a setup wizard.

The following is an overview of the steps you will be guided through to create the required profiles on the instance.

Once the instance has started up (you can see it by having ” 2/2 checks passed ” in EC2 console).

  1. Log onto the instance using a remote desktop application:
    • From the EC2 console select the instance and click on the “Connect” button,  click on the “Get Password” button, browse and select the key pair .pem file, click on the “Decrypt Password” button, and use the generated password to connect to the instance using the desired remote desktop application.
  2. Wait until a “cmd” window appears. You do not need to start a command window, it will appear once the instance is properly initialised.
  3. This window will ask you if you want to create and start WAS Base Edition server:
    C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\rd\scripts
    C:\rd\scripts>PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"
    C:\rd\scripts>PowerShell C:\rd\scripts\initialScript.ps1
    Welcome, this is MidVisionCloud Websphere Application Server image first run configuration
    Note that you can rerun this configuration wizard again by executing C:\rd\scripts\firstrunsetup.cmd script
    Configuration steps
    1. Start default server
    2. Set RapidDeploy framework initial password
    Start default server? [y/n]:
  4. Type ‘y‘ and hit [return]. You should see the following output. Depending on your instance type, the following output will be displayed over several minutes.
    Starting default server...
    Starting server defaultServer 
    Server defaultServer started. 
  5. Set the initial password for the RapidDeploy user “mvadmin“. Hit [return] to accept the default of instance ID:
    Configuring password for RapidDeploy default user 'mvadmin'
    Set password for user 'mvadmin'. Submit blank for default value of the instance id: i-06a9000c764988fdb
  6. The correct URLs to access the WebSphere and the RapidDeploy servers are displayed:
    Configuration finished, you may now start using Websphere Liberty and RapidDeploy services. You can use WebSphere and RapidDeploy web user interface on:
    RapidDeploy: ec2-54-221-87-90.compute-1.amazonaws.com:9090/MidVision
    Your Liberty default server configuration is in C:\IBM\WebSphere\Liberty\usr\servers\defaultServer


Remember you need to have the necessary rules in the Windows firewall to access the WAS Liberty Profile Edition admin agent and application server ports. In order to do this:

1. Open the tool “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security” in Windows

2. Select “Inbound rules

3. Click on “New Rule...

4. Select “Port” and click “Next

5. Select “TCP” and set the “Specific local ports” to the necessary specific port values, by default it should be something like “9090,9080“, and click “Next

6. You can leave the rest of the values by default on the following windows and assign a memorable name to the rule

4. Accessing the web consoles

4.1 Access the default snoop servlet

Once the Liberty profile server has been started, test the installation by accessing Hello World application on:


4.2 Access the RapidDeploy Web Console

RapidDeploy server and agent will start up automatically when you start your instance. You can access the web console on:


Note: make sure you have port 9090 open in your Security group when trying to access RapidDeploy web console. You can log in with the administrative user ” mvadmin ” using your ‘[instance-id]‘ as password.

5. Maintaining the installation

The following sections cover some of the activities you might want to perform after the instance has been started.

You can use the WebSphere Base install in three host configurations:

  • Leave as the default ‘localhost
  • Assign to an elastic IP address. You will need to run setuphost.ps1 once to change the address from ‘localhost‘ to the elastic IP address
  • Use dynamically assigned hostname. You will need to run setuphost.ps1 on each restart of the instance

The setuphost.ps1 script provided in “C:\rd\scripts” folder will search and replace for the old host name (localhost) occurrences in all the necessary WAS the configuration files. We recommend leaving ‘localhost‘ default setting or using an elastic IP address to avoid having to run setuphost.ps1 on each restart.


For security reasons, you will need to change the default password (default value is ‘[instance-id]‘) for user mvadmin. You can change this password at any time by clicking the ‘mvadmin’ drop down in the top right hand corner and clicking ‘Change Password’.

6. Troubleshooting

6.1 Session loss during setup

If you lose the connection to the target instance during the first run setup script execution (e.g. as a result of a network problem), we advise you to delete and recreate the EC2 instance and run the script again.

6.3 Contacting MidVision support

Please visit our support website.