Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform on AWS

Amazon EC2 Installation guide

1. Overview

This guide will provide step by step instructions how to start using the installed products on your AWS EC2 instance.

This AMI contains a ready-to-run Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform image at the selected version. In order to use this image, you need to launch it with your selected type, and log in via SSH to activate it.

Visit the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform page on the AWS Marketplace

2. Launching an instance

In order to launch JBoss EAP, a few settings need to be configured on the AWS console as follows. The instructions for launching an instance differ depending on where you launch from. Initially you will launch the instance from the AWS Marketplace.


 3. Initial login and setup

The Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform products are shipped with a base binary installation. On the first login to the instance – after logging onto the instance via SSH as the ‘ec2-user’ user you will see basic information about JBoss installation. The following is an overview of the steps you will be guided through to create the required profiles on the instance:

Once the instance has started up (you can see it by having ” 2/2 checks passed ” in EC2 console).

  1. Log onto the instance from the EC2 console or via SSH as the ‘ec2-user’ user, using the key you selected above.  For example:
    • From the EC2 console by clicking  the “Connect to your instance” button with username “ec2-user“, using the previously (instance launch-time) selected .pem keyfile.
    • Via SSH from your desktop, for example
      ssh -i ./MidVisionUSMC.pem
  2. You should see the MidVision banner and then you are placed in a setup wizard.
    Welcome to
     __  __ _     ___     ___     _                    ____ _                 _ 
    |  \/  (_) __| \ \   / (_)___(_) ___  _ __        / ___| | ___  _   _  __| |
    | |\/| | |/ _` |\ \ / /| / __| |/ _ \| '_ \ _____| |   | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` |
    | |  | | | (_| | \ V / | \__ \ | (_) | | | |_____| |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| |
    |_|  |_|_|\__,_|  \_/  |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|      \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|                                                                            
                                                           A MidVision Service
            * WebSite:
            * Support:
            * Forum:
    Welcome, this is MidVisionCloud JBOSS EAP image.
    You can access JBOSS admin console on Log in with admin/i-08bd7a3322e88b4a9 .
    Note that you can change your password as root user using /opt/jboss-eap-7.2/bin/ script.

4. Accessing the web consoles

4.1 Access the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

Confirm installation. The JBoss EAP admin console should be running on port 9990:
You can log in as a default admin user, use your [instanceId] as password.

5. Maintaining the installation

The following sections cover some of the activities you might want to perform after the instance has been started.
  • root:      This is the superuser in linux systems. You can log in as any other user without using passwords. E.g: “su ec2-user
  • ec2-user:  This user does not have SUDO rights. If you want to switch back to root user, type “exit“, this will take you back to the previous user session.
You can find JBoss EAP installation under :
JBoss has been started as a standalone server (as root user) using
/opt/jboss-eap-7.2/bin/   -b -bmanagement &
You can stop the server as root user:
 /opt/jboss-eap-7.2/bin/ --connect --command=:shutdown

As mentioned above along with the JBoss EAP installation there is an admin console user created with password set to your [instanceId]. 



We are able to provide you with the patch for your JBoss EAP installation. If you need to upgrade your JBoss EAP instance, please create a ticket on our support portal ( and request a download link to JBoss EAP patch. Follow the instruction below (note that the name of the file might be different):
sudo su
systemctl stop jboss-eap.service
cd /home/ec2-user
curl "DOWNLOAD_LINK" -o 
## If your internet connection doesn't allow you to download the patch directly to the instance, 
## just upload the patch to the /home/ec2-user directory
/opt/jboss-eap-7.4/bin/ "patch apply"
systemctl start jboss-eap.service

6. Troubleshooting

6.1 Session loss during setup

If you lose your SSH connection to the target instance during the first run setup script execution (e.g. as a result of a network problem), we advise you to delete and recreate the EC2 instance and run the script again.

6.2 Contacting MidVision support

Please visit our support website.